Students in the senior years are at the threshold of adulthood and they need to be sculpted such that they can face the challenges in future. Focus is on Project Based Learning, Activity Based Learning and Experimental Learning.
The students become capable enough to conduct experiments and researches, compose literary pieces and complete complex analytical problems. Ample liberty is given to the student in this stage to choose subjects across the streams as per his/her innate capabilities and vocational calling.
Senior Secondary is an amalgamation of competent teachers and vibrant students having diverse backgrounds, carrying unique streaks of values, traditions and cultures. Relentless efforts are undertaken to ensure that the educational experience of our students is meaningful and relevant to the needs of the times.
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.” - Albert Einstein
In accordance with changing scenario of educational perspectives and in light of the recent restoration of the the compulsory Board Examination by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) , the school has a progressive curriculum that would help each and every child to meet futuristic commitments. Simultaneous development of life skills and academic intricacies is the need of the hour. Hence our curriculum has incorporated many new initiatives to ensure holistic development.