Royal Mirror

Royal Mirror October 2023

Dear readers,
"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes."-Oscar Wilde Stepping into the realm of the Royal Mirror's 25th edition, each page turned reveals....

Royal Mirror June 2023

Dear readers,
“Creativity is intelligence having fun” – Albert Einstein As we are halfway through 2023 , we look forward to new adventures and opportunities to express....

Royal Mirror Junior October 2022

Dear readers,
As pen is to paper
Creative expression is to a well rounded development. The last few years gone by, have left our students' pulsing minds....

Royal Mirror Kids June 2022

Dear readers,
'Coming together is a beginning;
Keeping together is progress;
Working together is success.'
It is with immense joy and pride , we welcome you to the first....

Royal Mirror June 2022

Dear readers,
“Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature.”
The last couple of years have....

Royal Mirror June 2021

Dear readers,
This is the story of how a 16 year old was fortunate enough to go to the Land of the Rising Sun, famous for its cherry blossoms and Anime- Japan. I got selected....

Royal Mirror March 2021

Dear readers,
Congratulation at having made it to the end of yet another academic session! This session has witnessed much change, the quantity of which came...

Royal Mirror August 2020

Dear readers,
You have in front of you, our school's first digital issue of its newsletter,the Mirror. Needless to say this edition has been the result of a turbulentyear which...

Royal Mirror July 2019

Dear readers,
You hold in your hands the compilation of all the events, activities, joy and laughter shared by us at Royal Global School in the past few months...

Royal Mirror April 2018

Dear readers,
The new session has started and there are beautiful reminisence of the year that has just passed by. It has been an eventful year, with beautiful memories...

Royal Mirror March 2018

Dear readers,
‘To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it’s about, but the inner music the words make.’ -Truman Capote.
In agreement with the...

Royal Mirror July 2017

Dear readers,
Time is a funny little thing. It’s wholly more powerful than any other force, but at the same time it drops like honey from a honeycomb...

Royal Mirror December 2016

Dear readers,
The 14th issue of ‘Royal Mirror’ showcases the coming of age of every sapling planted at the anvil of this academic session amidst a kaleidoscope of...

Royal Mirror September 2016

Dear readers,
Life as we know it is a Tabula Rasa on which are etched indelible memories of experiences. The 13th edition of the Royal Mirror reflects upon such multifarious...

Royal Mirror June 2016

Dear readers,
The 12th issue of ‘Royal Mirror’ has arrived. And with it emanates new prospects and fresh promises. The new academic session has started off with great...

Royal Mirror January 2016

Dear readers,
Warm greetings and a very happy new year to you !
At the very outset of this issue of the Royal Mirror, we take the opportunity to wish best...

August 2015, Issue X

Dear readers,
At the very outset of this issue of the Royal Mirror, let me take the opportunity to congratulate all our senior friends who appeared for the senior secondary examination conducted by CBSC 2015...

December 2014, Issue VIII

Dear readers,
Comming together is a beginning keeping together is progress working together is success
We are once again back...

December 2013 ,Issue V

Dear readers,
You may call it the Pygmalion Effect as well, but we like to bask in the fame of our accomplishments. The top ranking...